Saturday, April 30, 2011

What to do when Bored (Physical Activity is key)

I have blogged multiple times about being bored. Now, don't think that last night I magically had something to do, I didn't, but there are several options about what to do when bored.

I have found some sites with awesome activities to do that night or over the weekend (when your an only child it can easily be both) chech them out!

I for one have a couple things I turn to when I'm bored. These almost always include movies and xbox, but going outside is an awesome thing to do.

To fight boredom, the best thing you could possibly do is to go outside. You play and get physical activity. This can stimulate your body, making you feel better. You don't have a headache like you do when you play Call of Duty for two hours.

Websites for stuff to do when you outside.

So going outside is often fun and awesome, when you have someone to do it with. Lets consider you don't have any siblings, like me, and you have no one. What do you do? Call a friend!

Stuff to do with your friends:

Now video games are still very fun, but I hate Call of Duty, it's true. I find it to be a game with almost no purpose other than to blow stuff up and shoot things. So I play games that stimulate your mind. Two I can think of are Portal 2 and the upcoming L. A. Noire. These games make you think to win.

Games to play other than Call of Duty
Mass Effect 2
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Donkey Kong
Portal and Portal 2
Red Dead Redemption
Bioshock and Bioshock 2
The list goes on and on...

So there are games other than Call of Duty, that has been established. The best idea of being bored is to something extremely fun and unique, usually with company. Hopefully you can get excercise too!

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