I have decided to review all of the Batman films and give them awards. These are mostly great films and it's my opinion, so don't get mad. I left out the Batman TV movie because I haven't seen it in a while and I don't remember it.
1. Batman

An emo film that's actually pretty good. The first two were the best until Nolan and they are still great.
2. Batman Returns

The sequel is just as good as the original. Good performances and a great soundtrack make this better than the two films that followed.
3. Batman Forever

Um what is this? The first two posters show great dark films that have to be good and now this?... Although this film wasn't as good as the first two films, it was still definitly better than Batman and Robin, our next film.
4. Batman and Robin

Now here is the most infamous of them all. Voted as one of the worst films of all time. I mean, look at this poster. On one side you have the heroes, where the men have bat nipples, and on the other you have the villians, look at Bane in the corner. How could he recover? This film is just plain out bad. It seemed this series was driven into ground, and nothing could save it. That is until...
5. Batman Begins

The reboot. This was the film we had wanted since Batman Returns. A return to the original days of Batman, when he was a ninja and had some deep personality issues. Every performance is great and an amazing cliffhanger ending. We were all waiting for the next film, but we were all thinking "how could they top that?"
6. The Dark Knight

This is the one to top. A amazing film filled to the brim with tour de force performances and a great story. Most of it's elements come from the grapic novel The Long Halloween, an already great Batman story. One of the best performances of all time by Heath Ledger who topped Jack Nicholson as the Joker.
Bonus: Batman Triumphant

Develop as a sequel to Batman and Robin, it was supposed to have Scarecrow as the main villian and have the Joker return in Batman's fear dreams. Harley Quinn was supposed to also be in it, as the Joker's daughter. It was cancelled due to the failure of Batman and Robin.
Best Batman: Christian Bale

The best Batman is Christian Bale. The only other contender was Michael Keaton, but Bale wins due to his performance in the Dark Knight.
Best Female Lead: Maggie Gylenhall

She showed real heart as Rachel, and Katie Holmes was beaten easily. She portrays this greatly.
Best Bat Film: The Dark Knight

Is there any other?
Best Bat Villian: Heath Ledger

One of the greatest performances of all time.
Worst Bat Film: Batman and Robin

Also one of the worst movies of all time.
Worst Bat Villian: Ahnold

Let's Chill! Funny one liners and horrible villiiounous acts almost ruin this character.
Worst Batman: George Clooney

Not that he's a bad actor, but he was just NOT meant for this role. He probably could have pulled off Freeze though, maybe.
Best Alfred: Michael Caine

The father to Bruce Wayne, Caine pulls off this role beautyfully, with unexpected grace.
Worst Alfred: The one who has the disease

Although if he was in the first two I apologise, he was bad in Batman and Robin.
Best Supporting Role: Tie between Gary Oldman and Arron Eckhart

Both filled with unexpected grace.
Worst Supporting Role: Bane

Wow. And he is still a great character.
Best Ending: The Dark Knight

An amaing ending.