10. Blade Runner

This is one of the best sci fi movies of all time and is truly Ridley Scott's mastepiece. Only until James Cameron makes a movie this good will it be considered his masterpiece. (Aliens could possibly stand up to this though I forgot to add it.) It's about a future police cop who kills evil machines called replicants, until he is given one final job. He has to "retire" five replicants who have ties to their creator himself. A excellent movie with a great soundtrack and amazing special effects for their time.
9. Raiders of the Lost Ark

Harrison Ford is one of the coolest actors around. This movie has to be the greatest adventure movie of all time and is a true classic. The story involves Archaeology professor Indiana Jones, who is way more into archaeology than being a professor, as he attempts to hunt down the ark of the covenant during World War II. This movie has it all: Nazis, a beautiful girl, great sidekicks, a fantastic villain, and a great plot. You simply must see it.
8. Forrest Gump

Lets face it, I cried in this movie. I have never cried in a movie outside of Pixar before and this is completely different. I'd say what got me the most was when Lietenant Dan thanked him for saving his life and when he's talking to Jenny at her grave. If you haven't seen this movie yet you simply have to. It's a movie about a man with below average inteliigence who just happens to be the smartest man around him. He experiences every defining moment of the 20th century. It's a movie about life, and the love that comes with it.
7. Inception

If you have read my blog before, you know how into this movie I truly am. This movie could rival even Blade Runner for the spot as the best science fiction movie of all time, and it is a modern classic. Leo Dicaprio is great and Chris Nolan directs beautifully plus a great soundtrack from Hans Zimmer make this movie amazing.
6. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy tied with The Boune Trilogy

One trilogy some of the greatest fantasy movies of all time, the other some of the greatest action movies of all time. These trilogies have been some of the biggest properties of the past ten years. With great heroes, great ladies, and amazing villians, these trilogies shine. The one moment I like the most in The Lord of the Rings is when Gandalf tells Frodo that Gollum will have a lot to do with coming events in the first one, and the moment when Bourne repeats what the first assassin said to him in the third one. I love these movies.
5. Watchmen

Watchmen is the best superhero movie of all time, minus The Dark Knight (later on the list). This movie is simply brilliant. He filmed the unfilmable, making a fantastic movie. This movie will be appreciated more with further viewings. Just watch this movie, great actors, fantastic plot, amazing questions of morality. What a good film.
3. Fight Club
Well, the first rule of Fight Club is you don't talk about Fight Club, so I'll just say that this movie is a phenomanon, and when i have a boy I'm naming him Tyler after Mr. Durden.
2. Tie: Empire strikes back and Dark Knight

The two greatest movie sequels of all time other than the Godfather part II which I haven't seen. These movies are strictly amazing. The first, possibly the most classic sci fi of all time, the second a modern superhero classic. The perfomance of the Joker in the Dark Knight killed Heath Ledger it's so good, and the performance of Darth in Empire and his classic line are just so great.
Wondering if I could top these, well I can! The prize for my favorite movie of all time goes to...
1. Donnie Darko

Yes a highly controversial choice, but I'm a high school student so what do I know. This movie is simply the best of all time. The best script, music, acting, and plot ever. Donnie's choice at the end is probably the best part of the entire film, and the wave between Gretchen and Donnie's mother is such a perfect way to end this film.
Honorable Mentions:
L.A. Confidential
Die Hard
The Sixth Sense
Kick Ass
Reservoir Dogs
Inglouies Basterds
and The Hangover!
Oh, and Memento
Bonus: Drive

Drive just came out, but it is the type of movie that I could see being amazing after several rewatches. It's already a fantastic movie, with a FANTASTIC score, but this could rank up with Fight Club and Donnie Darko in my book
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