The Prequels have often been criticized for their over use of cgi. But onestly I think that it really isn't that bad. Take the above image of Coruscant. The original films wouldn't be able to do something like this.
9. Natalie Portman

As the princess who took Darth Vader's heart, she was truly beautiful. If you think that she was bad in this trilogy there is something truly wrong with you. She is one of the hottest girls in the world and she can act. A great combo.
8. Darth Maul

The most badass sith of all time. Not even Darth Vader came this close. He was the pure embodiment of evil. He never talked, had a red and black face, and a kickass double bladed lightsaber. He was the thing that saved the first movie.
7. Revenge of the Sith is as good as A New Hope and better than all the other movies. (Except Empire)

This movie was amazing. It had a great beginning and a fantastic ending. Tieing up the rest of the series. (We'll get to that later.) It was truly a great movie.
6. Any movie with Samuel L. Jackson can't be that bad.

Playing Mace "Purple Bladed Lightsaber" Windu, he was one badass jedi. He was the second best next to Yoda and was strong in his lightsaber ways. He almost killed the emperor.
5. We finally get to see Yoda in action.
Yoda is a boss. In both he strolls in and shows a great apitude for the force. But he also has major skills with a lightsaber. This was totally kickass.
4. Qui Gon Jinn

Liam Neeson is one of the most badass and most effective killers in cinema history. Taken is a very good movie. He's also a good actor too. He plays Obi Wan's master wisley but also has skills with a saber.
3. The end of Revenge of the Sith
A totally awesome ending to a great movie. It tied up Luke Leia Obi wan Yoda Vader and The Emperor greatly. The end before the credits was good.
2. Duel between Anakin and Obi Wan
The best duel in the prequel movies by far. Just a great scene. It's so heartbreaking when Obi Wan is talking to Anakin at the end. Just so sentimental of the prequel movies. You can really tell the relationship between Anakin and his former master turned enemy Obi Wan.
1. Ewan Mcgregor

His performance as Obi Wan was really the selling point of these movies for me. He was fantastic. A worthy successor to Alec Guinness.